Create your career success and dream relationships using RTT hypnotherapy

Get fast, permanent and powerful results, whether you want to overcome:

*an emotional discomfort (e.g. anxiety, depression, fears, addictions, habits, feeling stuck etc.)

*a life challenge (e.g. reaching goals, finding love, divorce, career change etc.) or 

*improve your skills (e.g. public speaking, leadership, playing golf, etc.).

Why is RTT method so efficient?

95% of your brain is your subconscious (your feelings brain) and only 5% is your conscious part (your logic).

The therapy method I use (Rapid Transformational Therapy - RTT) works directly with your subconscious mind using hypnotherapy.

A habit of thinking, believing and doing certain things in your life is directed by your subconscious mind. Your subconscious is like a computer program consisting of different "codes" (thoughts, beliefs and reactions). You have "learned" these "codes" throughout your life, most of them in your early childhood. The only way to get fast and permanent changes in you life is to "unlearn" an old and "learn" a new subconscious "code". And I can help you do exactly that, using RTT.

Therapy sessions are in person (in Milan, Italy) or online. 

In English, French or Serbian language. 

Hi, I am Dragana Spica, 

Rapid Transformational Therapist and Hypnotherapist

After a ten year long career in investment banking in London, my inner healing and growth journey brought me to Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT).  

The discovery of this incredibly powerful method and my love for helping, supporting and mentoring people led me to become a Rapid Transformational Therapist and Hypnotherapist. 

Today I help my clients,  including investment bankers, entrepreneurs, professional athletes, actors and models, blossom fiercely in their career and relationships.

for abundance of advice and support on your journey towards a fulfilled life.